segunda-feira, 9 de novembro de 2009

Eu na Aljazeera

Participei de um dos meus programas favoritos na Aljazeera, o Listening Post - que trata da cobertura da imprensa mundial dos principais temas de cada semana. Mandei um comentário sobre a estratégia da Administração Obama de enfrentar a FoxNews.

Aqui está o vídeo: assista aqui. Minha fala começa no minuto 8:50, mas vale a pena ver a reportagem inteira.

Aqui coloco a íntegra do comentário enviado:

I think that Obama's approach is both intelligent and transparent. His administration is spelling out exactly what it is going to do. Whether you agree with it or not, this is rare in any government. The way it is now, Fox has a disproportional power of influencing the agenda of public debate. FoxNews itself opted for political confrontation: it has a political agenda and behaves like a political actor. This is a political fight for agenda-setting. The White House is attempting to diminish Fox's ability to exert influence over the public debate agenda. Obama’s advisor for green jobs, Van Jones, was a victim of Fox’s assassination of reputation strategy. Instead of waiting for Fox’s attacks on the next target and then react to it, the White House took the offensive. And why shouldn’t they? As long as they're doing it openly and within the law, there's no problem. It's very different from the hidden manipulations the former administration used in order to control and set the public debate agenda.

2 comentários:

Cesar disse...


tu ta parecendo um candidato a vereador falando! So que em ingles!

Horario eleitoral do PMN ingles! hahahaa


Bernardo Jurema disse...

pois é

uma naturalidade incrível!!!!